1 /** Definition of the core event driver interface.
3 	This module contains all declarations necessary for defining and using
4 	event drivers. Event driver implementations will usually inherit from
5 	`EventDriver` using a `final` class to avoid virtual function overhead.
7 	Callback_Behavior:
8 		All callbacks follow the same rules to enable generic implementation
9 		of high-level libraries, such as vibe.d. Except for "listen" style
10 		callbacks, each callback will only ever be called at most once.
12 		If the operation does not get canceled, the callback will be called
13 		exactly once. In case it gets manually canceled using the corresponding
14 		API function, the callback is guaranteed to not be called. However,
15 		the associated operation might still finish - either before the
16 		cancellation function returns, or afterwards.
17 */
18 module eventcore.driver;
20 import core.time : Duration;
21 import std.process : StdProcessConfig = Config;
22 import std.socket : Address;
23 import std.stdint : intptr_t;
24 import std.typecons : Tuple;
25 import std.variant : Algebraic;
28 /** Encapsulates a full event driver.
30 	This interface provides access to the individual driver features, as well as
31 	a central `dispose` method that must be called before the driver gets
32 	destroyed or before the process gets terminated.
33 */
34 interface EventDriver {
35 @safe: /*@nogc:*/ nothrow:
36 	/// Core event loop functionality
37 	@property inout(EventDriverCore) core() inout;
38 	/// Core event loop functionality
39 	@property shared(inout(EventDriverCore)) core() shared inout;
40 	/// Single shot and recurring timers
41 	@property inout(EventDriverTimers) timers() inout;
42 	/// Cross-thread events (thread local access)
43 	@property inout(EventDriverEvents) events() inout;
44 	/// Cross-thread events (cross-thread access)
45 	@property shared(inout(EventDriverEvents)) events() shared inout;
46 	/// UNIX/POSIX signal reception
47 	@property inout(EventDriverSignals) signals() inout;
48 	/// Stream and datagram sockets
49 	@property inout(EventDriverSockets) sockets() inout;
50 	/// DNS queries
51 	@property inout(EventDriverDNS) dns() inout;
52 	/// Local file operations
53 	@property inout(EventDriverFiles) files() inout;
54 	/// Directory change watching
55 	@property inout(EventDriverWatchers) watchers() inout;
56 	/// Sub-process handling
57 	@property inout(EventDriverProcesses) processes() inout;
58 	/// Pipes
59 	@property inout(EventDriverPipes) pipes() inout;
61 	/** Releases all resources associated with the driver.
63 		In case of any left-over referenced handles, this function returns
64 		`false` and does not free any resources. It may choose to free the
65 		resources once the last handle gets dereferenced.
66 	*/
67 	bool dispose();
68 }
71 /** Provides generic event loop control.
72 */
73 interface EventDriverCore {
74 	/** The number of pending callbacks.
76 		When this number drops to zero, the event loop can safely be quit. It is
77 		guaranteed that no callbacks will be made anymore, unless new callbacks
78 		get registered.
79 	*/
80 	size_t waiterCount() @safe nothrow;
82 	/** Runs the event loop to process a chunk of events.
84 		This method optionally waits for an event to arrive if none are present
85 		in the event queue. The function will return after either the specified
86 		timeout has elapsed, or once the event queue has been fully emptied.
88 		On implementations that support it, the function will treat
89 		interruptions by POSIX signals as if an event was received and will
90 		cause it to return. However, note that it is generally recommended to
91 		use `EventDriverSignals` instead of raw signal handlers in order to
92 		avoid their pitfalls as far as possible.
94 		Params:
95 			timeout = Maximum amount of time to wait for an event. A duration of
96 				zero will cause the function to only process pending events. A
97 				duration of `Duration.max`, if necessary, will wait indefinitely
98 				until an event arrives.
99 	*/
100 	ExitReason processEvents(Duration timeout) @safe nothrow;
102 	/** Causes `processEvents` to return with `ExitReason.exited` as soon as
103 		possible.
105 		A call to `processEvents` that is currently in progress will be notified
106 		so that it returns immediately. If no call is in progress, the next call
107 		to `processEvents` will immediately return with `ExitReason.exited`.
108 	*/
109 	void exit() @safe nothrow;
111 	/** Resets the exit flag.
113 		`processEvents` will automatically reset the exit flag before it returns
114 		with `ExitReason.exited`. However, if `exit` is called outside of
115 		`processEvents`, the next call to `processEvents` will return with
116 		`ExitCode.exited` immediately. This function can be used to avoid this.
117 	*/
118 	void clearExitFlag() @safe nothrow;
120 	/** Executes a callback in the thread owning the driver.
121 	*/
122 	void runInOwnerThread(ThreadCallbackGen fun, ref ThreadCallbackGenParams params) shared @safe nothrow;
123 	/// ditto
124 	final void runInOwnerThread(ARGS...)(void function(ARGS) @safe nothrow fun, ARGS args) shared
125 		if (ARGS.length != 1 || !is(ARGS[0] == ThreadCallbackGenParams))
126 	{
127 		alias F = void function(ARGS) @safe nothrow;
128 		alias T = Tuple!ARGS;
129 		static assert(F.sizeof + T.sizeof <= ThreadCallbackGenParams.length,
130 			"Parameters take up too much space.");
132 		ThreadCallbackGenParams params;
133 		() @trusted { (cast(F[])params[0 .. F.sizeof])[0] = fun; } ();
134 		(cast(T[])params[F.sizeof .. F.sizeof + T.sizeof])[0] = T(args);
135 		runInOwnerThread((ref ThreadCallbackGenParams p) {
136 			auto f = () @trusted { return cast(F[])p[0 .. F.sizeof]; } ()[0];
137 			auto pt = () @trusted { return cast(T[])p[F.sizeof .. F.sizeof + T.sizeof]; } ();
138 			f(pt[0].expand);
139 		}, params);
140 	}
142 	/// Low-level user data access. Use `getUserData` instead.
143 	protected void* rawUserData(StreamSocketFD descriptor, size_t size, DataInitializer initialize, DataInitializer destroy) @system;
144 	/// ditto
145 	protected void* rawUserData(DatagramSocketFD descriptor, size_t size, DataInitializer initialize, DataInitializer destroy) @system;
147 	/** Deprecated - use `EventDriverSockets.userData` instead.
148 	*/
149 	deprecated("Use `EventDriverSockets.userData` instead.")
150 	@property final ref T userData(T, FD)(FD descriptor)
151 	@trusted nothrow {
152 		import std.conv : emplace;
153 		static void init(void* ptr) { emplace(cast(T*)ptr); }
154 		static void destr(void* ptr) { destroy(*cast(T*)ptr); }
155 		return *cast(T*)rawUserData(descriptor, T.sizeof, &init, &destr);
156 	}
157 }
160 /** Provides access to socket functionality.
162 	The interface supports two classes of sockets - stream sockets and datagram
163 	sockets.
164 */
165 interface EventDriverSockets {
166 @safe: /*@nogc:*/ nothrow:
167 	/** Connects to a stream listening socket.
168 	*/
169 	StreamSocketFD connectStream(scope Address peer_address, scope Address bind_address, ConnectCallback on_connect);
171 	/** Aborts asynchronous connect by closing the socket.
173 		This function may only invoked if the connection state is
174 		`ConnectionState.connecting`. It will cancel the connection attempt and
175 		guarantees that the connection callback will not be invoked in the
176 		future.
178 		Note that upon completion, the socket handle will be invalid, regardless
179 		of the number of calls to `addRef`, and must not be used for further
180 		operations.
182 		Params:
183 			sock = Handle of the socket that is currently establishing a
184 				connection
185 	*/
186 	void cancelConnectStream(StreamSocketFD sock);
188 	/** Adopts an existing stream socket.
190 		The given socket must be in a connected state. It will be automatically
191 		switched to non-blocking mode if necessary. Beware that this may have
192 		side effects in other code that uses the socket and assumes blocking
193 		operations.
195 		Params:
196 			socket = Socket file descriptor to adopt
198 		Returns:
199 			Returns a socket handle corresponding to the passed socket
200 				descriptor. If the same file descriptor is already registered,
201 				`StreamSocketFD.invalid` will be returned instead.
202 	*/
203 	StreamSocketFD adoptStream(int socket);
205 	/// Creates a socket listening for incoming stream connections.
206 	StreamListenSocketFD listenStream(scope Address bind_address, StreamListenOptions options, AcceptCallback on_accept);
208 	final StreamListenSocketFD listenStream(scope Address bind_address, AcceptCallback on_accept) {
209 		return listenStream(bind_address, StreamListenOptions.defaults, on_accept);
210 	}
212 	/// Starts to wait for incoming connections on a listening socket.
213 	void waitForConnections(StreamListenSocketFD sock, AcceptCallback on_accept);
215 	/// Determines the current connection state.
216 	ConnectionState getConnectionState(StreamSocketFD sock);
218 	/** Retrieves the bind address of a socket.
220 		Example:
221 		The following code can be used to retrieve an IPv4/IPv6 address
222 		allocated on the stack. Note that Unix domain sockets require a larger
223 		buffer (e.g. `sockaddr_storage`).
224 		---
225 		scope storage = new UnknownAddress;
226 		scope sockaddr = new RefAddress(storage.name, storage.nameLen);
227 		eventDriver.sockets.getLocalAddress(sock, sockaddr);
228 		---
229 	*/
230 	bool getLocalAddress(SocketFD sock, scope RefAddress dst);
232 	/** Retrieves the address of the connected peer.
234 		Example:
235 		The following code can be used to retrieve an IPv4/IPv6 address
236 		allocated on the stack. Note that Unix domain sockets require a larger
237 		buffer (e.g. `sockaddr_storage`).
238 		---
239 		scope storage = new UnknownAddress;
240 		scope sockaddr = new RefAddress(storage.name, storage.nameLen);
241 		eventDriver.sockets.getLocalAddress(sock, sockaddr);
242 		---
243 	*/
244 	bool getRemoteAddress(SocketFD sock, scope RefAddress dst);
246 	/// Sets the `TCP_NODELAY` option on a socket
247 	void setTCPNoDelay(StreamSocketFD socket, bool enable);
249 	/// Sets to `SO_KEEPALIVE` socket option on a socket.
250 	void setKeepAlive(StreamSocketFD socket, bool enable);
252 	/** Enables keepalive for the TCP socket and sets additional parameters.
253 		Silently ignores unsupported systems (anything but Windows and Linux).
255 		Params:
256 			socket = Socket file descriptor to set options on.
257 			idle = The time the connection needs to remain idle
258 				before TCP starts sending keepalive probes.
259 			interval = The time between individual keepalive probes.
260 			probeCount = The maximum number of keepalive probes TCP should send
261 				before dropping the connection. Has no effect on Windows.
262 	*/
263 	void setKeepAliveParams(StreamSocketFD socket, Duration idle, Duration interval, int probeCount = 5);
265 	/// Sets `TCP_USER_TIMEOUT` socket option (linux only). https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5482
266 	void setUserTimeout(StreamSocketFD socket, Duration timeout);
268 	/** Reads data from a stream socket.
270 		Note that only a single read operation is allowed at once. The caller
271 		needs to make sure that either `on_read_finish` got called, or
272 		`cancelRead` was called before issuing the next call to `read`.
274 		Waiting_for_data_availability:
275 			With the special combination of a zero-length buffer and `mode`
276 			set to either `IOMode.once` or `IOMode.all`, this function will
277 			wait until data is available on the socket without reading
278 			anything.
280 			Note that in this case the `IOStatus` parameter of the callback
281 			will not reliably reflect a passive connection close. It is
282 			necessary to actually read some data to make sure this case
283 			is detected.
284 	*/
285 	void read(StreamSocketFD socket, ubyte[] buffer, IOMode mode, IOCallback on_read_finish);
287 	/** Cancels an ongoing read operation.
289 		After this function has been called, the `IOCallback` specified in
290 		the call to `read` is guaranteed to not be called.
291 	*/
292 	void cancelRead(StreamSocketFD socket);
294 	/** Reads data from a stream socket.
296 		Note that only a single write operation is allowed at once. The caller
297 		needs to make sure that either `on_write_finish` got called, or
298 		`cancelWrite` was called before issuing the next call to `write`.
299 	*/
300 	void write(StreamSocketFD socket, const(ubyte)[] buffer, IOMode mode, IOCallback on_write_finish);
302 	/** Cancels an ongoing write operation.
304 		After this function has been called, the `IOCallback` specified in
305 		the call to `write` is guaranteed to not be called.
306 	*/
307 	void cancelWrite(StreamSocketFD socket);
309 	/** Waits for incoming data without actually reading it.
310 	*/
311 	void waitForData(StreamSocketFD socket, IOCallback on_data_available);
313 	/** Initiates a connection close.
314 	*/
315 	void shutdown(StreamSocketFD socket, bool shut_read, bool shut_write);
317 	/** Creates a connection-less datagram socket.
319 		Params:
320 			bind_address = The local bind address to use for the socket. It
321 				will be able to receive any messages sent to this address.
322 			target_address = Optional default target address. If this is
323 				specified and the target address parameter of `send` is
324 				left to `null`, it will be used instead.
325 			options = Optional options for datagram creation. If unset,
326 				`DatagramCreateOptions.init` is used.
328 		Returns:
329 			Returns a datagram socket handle if the socket was created
330 			successfully. Otherwise returns `DatagramSocketFD.invalid`.
331 	*/
332 	DatagramSocketFD createDatagramSocket(scope Address bind_address,
333 		scope Address target_address,
334 		DatagramCreateOptions options = DatagramCreateOptions.init);
336 	/** Adopts an existing datagram socket.
338 		The socket must be properly bound before this function is called.
340 		Params:
341 			socket = Socket file descriptor to adopt
343 		Returns:
344 			Returns a socket handle corresponding to the passed socket
345 				descriptor. If the same file descriptor is already registered,
346 				`DatagramSocketFD.invalid` will be returned instead.
347 	*/
348 	DatagramSocketFD adoptDatagramSocket(int socket);
350 	/** Sets an address to use as the default target address for sent datagrams.
351 	*/
352 	void setTargetAddress(DatagramSocketFD socket, scope Address target_address);
354 	/// Sets the `SO_BROADCAST` socket option.
355 	bool setBroadcast(DatagramSocketFD socket, bool enable);
357 	/// Joins the multicast group associated with the given IP address.
358 	bool joinMulticastGroup(DatagramSocketFD socket, scope Address multicast_address, uint interface_index = 0);
360 	/// Receives a single datagram.
361 	void receive(DatagramSocketFD socket, ubyte[] buffer, IOMode mode, DatagramIOCallback on_receive_finish);
362 	/// Cancels an ongoing wait for an incoming datagram.
363 	void cancelReceive(DatagramSocketFD socket);
364 	/// Sends a single datagram.
365 	void send(DatagramSocketFD socket, const(ubyte)[] buffer, IOMode mode, Address target_address, DatagramIOCallback on_send_finish);
366 	/// Cancels an ongoing wait for an outgoing datagram.
367 	void cancelSend(DatagramSocketFD socket);
369 	/** Determines whether the given socket handle is valid.
371 		A handle that is invalid will result in no operations being carried out
372 		when used. In particular `addRef`/`releaseRef` will have no effect, but
373 		can safely be called and I/O operations will result in
374 		`IOStatus.invalidHandle`.
376 		A valid handle gets invalid when either the reference count drops to
377 		zero, or after the socket was explicitly closed.
378 	*/
379 	bool isValid(SocketFD handle) const @nogc;
381 	/** Increments the reference count of the given socket.
382 	*/
383 	void addRef(SocketFD descriptor);
385 	/** Decrements the reference count of the given socket.
387 		Once the reference count reaches zero, all associated resources will be
388 		freed and the resource descriptor gets invalidated.
390 		Returns:
391 			Returns `false` $(I iff) the last reference was removed by this call.
393 			Passing an invalid handle will result in a return value of `true`.
394 	*/
395 	bool releaseRef(SocketFD descriptor);
397 	/** Enables or disables a socket option.
398 	*/
399 	bool setOption(DatagramSocketFD socket, DatagramSocketOption option, bool enable);
400 	/// ditto
401 	bool setOption(StreamSocketFD socket, StreamSocketOption option, bool enable);
403 	/** Retrieves a reference to a user-defined value associated with a descriptor.
404 	*/
405 	@property final ref T userData(T, FD)(FD descriptor) @trusted @nogc
406 		if (hasNoGCLifetime!T)
407 	{
408 		import std.conv : emplace;
409 		static void init(void* ptr) @nogc { emplace(cast(T*)ptr); }
410 		static void destr(void* ptr) @nogc { destroy(*cast(T*)ptr); }
411 		return *cast(T*)rawUserData(descriptor, T.sizeof, &init, &destr);
412 	}
413 	/// ditto
414 	deprecated("Only @nogc constructible and destructible user data allowed.")
415 	@property final ref T userData(T, FD)(FD descriptor) @trusted
416 		if (!hasNoGCLifetime!T)
417 	{
418 		import std.conv : emplace;
419 		static void init(void* ptr) { emplace(cast(T*)ptr); }
420 		static void destr(void* ptr) { destroy(*cast(T*)ptr); }
421 		static if (__traits(compiles, () nothrow { init(null); destr(null); }))
422 			alias F = void function(void*) @nogc nothrow;
423 		else alias F = void function(void*) @nogc;
424 		return *cast(T*)rawUserData(descriptor, T.sizeof, cast(F)&init, cast(F)&destr);
425 	}
427 	/// Low-level user data access. Use `getUserData` instead.
428 	protected void* rawUserData(StreamSocketFD descriptor, size_t size, DataInitializer initialize, DataInitializer destroy) @system @nogc;
429 	/// ditto
430 	protected void* rawUserData(StreamListenSocketFD descriptor, size_t size, DataInitializer initialize, DataInitializer destroy) @system @nogc;
431 	/// ditto
432 	protected void* rawUserData(DatagramSocketFD descriptor, size_t size, DataInitializer initialize, DataInitializer destroy) @system @nogc;
433 }
435 enum hasNoGCLifetime(T) = __traits(compiles, () @nogc @trusted { import std.conv : emplace; T b = void; emplace!T(&b); destroy(b); });
436 unittest {
437 	static struct S1 {}
438 	static struct S2 { ~this() { new int; } }
439 	static assert(hasNoGCLifetime!S1);
440 	static assert(!hasNoGCLifetime!S2);
441 }
444 /** Performs asynchronous DNS queries.
445 */
446 interface EventDriverDNS {
447 @safe: /*@nogc:*/ nothrow:
448 	/// Looks up addresses corresponding to the given DNS name.
449 	DNSLookupID lookupHost(string name, DNSLookupCallback on_lookup_finished);
451 	/// Cancels an ongoing DNS lookup.
452 	void cancelLookup(DNSLookupID handle);
454 	/** Determines whether the given DNS lookup handle is valid.
456 		A valid handle gets invalid when the lookup has completed or got
457 		cancelled.
458 	*/
459 	bool isValid(DNSLookupID handle) const @nogc;
460 }
463 /** Provides read/write operations on the local file system.
464 */
465 interface EventDriverFiles {
466 @safe: /*@nogc:*/ nothrow:
467 	FileFD open(string path, FileOpenMode mode);
468 	FileFD adopt(int system_file_handle);
470 	/** Disallows any reads/writes and removes any exclusive locks.
472 		Note that the file handle may become invalid at any point after the
473 		call to `close`, regardless of its current reference count. Any
474 		operations on the handle will not have an effect.
475 	*/
476 	void close(FileFD file, FileCloseCallback on_closed);
478 	ulong getSize(FileFD file);
480 	/** Shrinks or extends a file to the specified size.
482 		Params:
483 			file = Handle of the file to resize
484 			size = Desired file size in bytes
485 			on_finish = Called when the operation finishes - the `size`
486 				parameter is always set to zero
487 	*/
488 	void truncate(FileFD file, ulong size, FileIOCallback on_finish);
490 	/** Writes data to a file
492 		Note that only a single read operation is allowed at once. The caller
493 		needs to make sure that either `on_read_finish` got called, or
494 		`cancelRead` was called before issuing the next call to `read`.
495 	*/
496 	void write(FileFD file, ulong offset, const(ubyte)[] buffer, IOMode mode, FileIOCallback on_write_finish);
498 	/** Cancels an ongoing write operation.
500 		After this function has been called, the `FileIOCallback` specified in
501 		the call to `write` is guaranteed not to be called.
502 	*/
503 	void cancelWrite(FileFD file);
505 	/** Reads data from a file.
507 		Note that only a single read operation is allowed at once. The caller
508 		needs to make sure that either `on_read_finish` got called, or
509 		`cancelRead` was called before issuing the next call to `read`.
510 	*/
511 	void read(FileFD file, ulong offset, ubyte[] buffer, IOMode mode, FileIOCallback on_read_finish);
513 	/** Cancels an ongoing read operation.
515 		After this function has been called, the `FileIOCallback` specified in
516 		the call to `read` is guaranteed not to be called.
517 	*/
518 	void cancelRead(FileFD file);
520 	/** Determines whether the given file handle is valid.
522 		A handle that is invalid will result in no operations being carried out
523 		when used. In particular `addRef`/`releaseRef` will have no effect, but
524 		can safely be called and I/O operations will result in
525 		`IOStatus.invalidHandle`.
527 		A valid handle gets invalid when either the reference count drops to
528 		zero, or after the file was explicitly closed.
529 	*/
530 	bool isValid(FileFD handle) const @nogc;
532 	/** Increments the reference count of the given file.
533 	*/
534 	void addRef(FileFD descriptor);
536 	/** Decrements the reference count of the given file.
538 		Once the reference count reaches zero, all associated resources will be
539 		freed and the resource descriptor gets invalidated.
541 		Returns:
542 			Returns `false` $(I iff) the last reference was removed by this call.
544 			Passing an invalid handle will result in a return value of `true`.
545 	*/
546 	bool releaseRef(FileFD descriptor);
548 	/** Retrieves a reference to a user-defined value associated with a descriptor.
549 	*/
550 	@property final ref T userData(T)(FileFD descriptor)
551 	@trusted {
552 		import std.conv : emplace;
553 		static void init(void* ptr) @nogc { emplace(cast(T*)ptr); }
554 		static void destr(void* ptr) @nogc { destroy(*cast(T*)ptr); }
555 		return *cast(T*)rawUserData(descriptor, T.sizeof, &init, &destr);
556 	}
558 	/// Low-level user data access. Use `userData` instead.
559 	protected void* rawUserData(FileFD descriptor, size_t size, DataInitializer initialize, DataInitializer destroy) @system;
560 }
563 /** Cross-thread notifications
565 	"Events" can be used to wake up the event loop of a foreign thread. This is
566 	the basis for all kinds of thread synchronization primitives, such as
567 	mutexes, condition variables, message queues etc. Such primitives, in case
568 	of extended wait periods, should use events rather than traditional means
569 	to block, such as busy loops or kernel based wait mechanisms to avoid
570 	stalling the event loop.
571 */
572 interface EventDriverEvents {
573 @safe: /*@nogc:*/ nothrow:
574 	/// Creates a new cross-thread event.
575 	EventID create();
577 	/// Triggers an event owned by the current thread.
578 	void trigger(EventID event, bool notify_all);
580 	/// Triggers an event possibly owned by a different thread.
581 	void trigger(EventID event, bool notify_all) shared;
583 	/** Waits until an event gets triggered.
585 		Multiple concurrent waits are allowed.
586 	*/
587 	void wait(EventID event, EventCallback on_event);
589 	/// Cancels an ongoing wait operation.
590 	void cancelWait(EventID event, EventCallback on_event);
592 	/** Determines whether the given event handle is valid.
594 		A handle that is invalid will result in no operations being carried out
595 		when used. In particular `addRef`/`releaseRef` will have no effect, but
596 		can safely be called.
598 		A valid handle gets invalid when the reference count drops to zero.
599 	*/
600 	bool isValid(EventID handle) const @nogc;
602 	/** Increments the reference count of the given event.
603 	*/
604 	void addRef(EventID descriptor);
606 	/** Decrements the reference count of the given event.
608 		Once the reference count reaches zero, all associated resources will be
609 		freed and the resource descriptor gets invalidated.
611 		Returns:
612 			Returns `false` $(I iff) the last reference was removed by this call.
614 			Passing an invalid handle will result in a return value of `true`.
615 	*/
616 	bool releaseRef(EventID descriptor);
618 	/** Retrieves a reference to a user-defined value associated with a descriptor.
619 	*/
620 	@property final ref T userData(T)(EventID descriptor)
621 	@trusted {
622 		import std.conv : emplace;
623 		static void init(void* ptr) @nogc { emplace(cast(T*)ptr); }
624 		static void destr(void* ptr) @nogc { destroy(*cast(T*)ptr); }
625 		return *cast(T*)rawUserData(descriptor, T.sizeof, &init, &destr);
626 	}
628 	/// Low-level user data access. Use `userData` instead.
629 	protected void* rawUserData(EventID descriptor, size_t size, DataInitializer initialize, DataInitializer destroy) @system;
630 }
633 /** Handling of POSIX signals.
634 */
635 interface EventDriverSignals {
636 @safe: /*@nogc:*/ nothrow:
637 	/** Starts listening for the specified POSIX signal.
639 		Note that if a default signal handler exists for the signal, it will be
640 		disabled by using this function.
642 		Params:
643 			sig = The number of the signal to listen for
644 			on_signal = Callback that gets called whenever a matching signal
645 				gets received
647 		Returns:
648 			Returns an identifier that identifies the resource associated with
649 			the signal. Giving up ownership of this resource using `releaseRef`
650 			will re-enable the default signal handler, if any was present.
652 			For any error condition, `SignalListenID.invalid` will be returned
653 			instead.
654 	*/
655 	SignalListenID listen(int sig, SignalCallback on_signal);
657 	/** Determines whether the given signal handle is valid.
659 		A handle that is invalid will result in no operations being carried out
660 		when used. In particular `addRef`/`releaseRef` will have no effect, but
661 		can safely be called.
663 		A valid handle gets invalid when the reference count drops to zero.
664 	*/
665 	bool isValid(SignalListenID handle) const @nogc;
667 	/** Increments the reference count of the given resource.
668 	*/
669 	void addRef(SignalListenID descriptor);
671 	/** Decrements the reference count of the given resource.
673 		Once the reference count reaches zero, all associated resources will be
674 		freed and the resource descriptor gets invalidated.
676 		Returns:
677 			Returns `false` $(I iff) the last reference was removed by this call.
679 			Passing an invalid handle will result in a return value of `true`.
680 	*/
681 	bool releaseRef(SignalListenID descriptor);
682 }
684 interface EventDriverTimers {
685 @safe: /*@nogc:*/ nothrow:
686 	TimerID create();
688 	/** Run the timer.
690 		Params:
691 			timer = the id of the timer, created by `create` call.
692 			timeout = a duration to the first firing of the timer
693 			repeat = a duration between periodic timer firings - set to zero
694 				to set a single-fire timer
695 	*/
696 	void set(TimerID timer, Duration timeout, Duration repeat);
698 	void stop(TimerID timer);
700 	bool isPending(TimerID timer);
701 	bool isPeriodic(TimerID timer);
703 	/** Waits for the timer to fire.
705 		Important: the callback of the timer will be called exactly once, unless
706 		`cancelWait` gets called first. `wait` needs to be called again to
707 		receive future timer events (see https://github.com/vibe-d/eventcore/issues/172
708 		for reasons behind that behavior).
710 		Note that the `TimerCallback` based overload will not call the
711 		callback if `stop` gets called before the timer fires, whereas the
712 		`TimerCallback2` based overload will call the callback with the `fired`
713 		parameter set to `false`.
714 	*/
715 	final void wait(TimerID timer, TimerCallback callback) {
716 		wait(timer, (tm, fired) {
717 			if (fired) callback(tm);
718 		});
719 	}
720 	/// ditto
721 	void wait(TimerID timer, TimerCallback2 callback);
722 	void cancelWait(TimerID timer);
724 	/** Determines whether the given timer handle is valid.
726 		A handle that is invalid will result in no operations being carried out
727 		when used. In particular `addRef`/`releaseRef` will have no effect, but
728 		can safely be called.
730 		A valid handle gets invalid when the reference count drops to zero.
731 	*/
732 	bool isValid(TimerID handle) const @nogc;
734 	/** Increments the reference count of the given resource.
735 	*/
736 	void addRef(TimerID descriptor);
738 	/** Decrements the reference count of the given resource.
740 		Once the reference count reaches zero, all associated resources will be
741 		freed and the resource descriptor gets invalidated.
743 		Returns:
744 			Returns `false` $(I iff) the last reference was removed by this call.
746 			Passing an invalid handle will result in a return value of `true`.
747 	*/
748 	bool releaseRef(TimerID descriptor);
750 	/// Determines if the given timer's reference count equals one.
751 	bool isUnique(TimerID descriptor) const;
753 	/** Retrieves a reference to a user-defined value associated with a descriptor.
754 	*/
755 	@property final ref T userData(T)(TimerID descriptor)
756 	@trusted {
757 		import std.conv : emplace;
758 		static void init(void* ptr) @nogc { emplace(cast(T*)ptr); }
759 		static void destr(void* ptr) @nogc { destroy(*cast(T*)ptr); }
760 		return *cast(T*)rawUserData(descriptor, T.sizeof, &init, &destr);
761 	}
763 	/// Low-level user data access. Use `userData` instead.
764 	protected void* rawUserData(TimerID descriptor, size_t size, DataInitializer initialize, DataInitializer destroy) @system;
765 }
767 interface EventDriverWatchers {
768 @safe: /*@nogc:*/ nothrow:
769 	/// Watches a directory or a directory sub tree for changes.
770 	WatcherID watchDirectory(string path, bool recursive, FileChangesCallback callback);
772 	/** Determines whether the given watcher handle is valid.
774 		A handle that is invalid will result in no operations being carried out
775 		when used. In particular `addRef`/`releaseRef` will have no effect, but
776 		can safely be called.
778 		A valid handle gets invalid when the reference count drops to zero.
779 	*/
780 	bool isValid(WatcherID handle) const @nogc;
782 	/** Increments the reference count of the given resource.
783 	*/
784 	void addRef(WatcherID descriptor);
786 	/** Decrements the reference count of the given resource.
788 		Once the reference count reaches zero, all associated resources will be
789 		freed and the resource descriptor gets invalidated.
791 		Returns:
792 			Returns `false` $(I iff) the last reference was removed by this call.
794 			Passing an invalid handle will result in a return value of `true`.
795 	*/
796 	bool releaseRef(WatcherID descriptor);
798 	/** Retrieves a reference to a user-defined value associated with a descriptor.
799 	*/
800 	@property final ref T userData(T)(WatcherID descriptor)
801 	@trusted {
802 		import std.conv : emplace;
803 		static void init(void* ptr) @nogc { emplace(cast(T*)ptr); }
804 		static void destr(void* ptr) @nogc { destroy(*cast(T*)ptr); }
805 		return *cast(T*)rawUserData(descriptor, T.sizeof, &init, &destr);
806 	}
808 	/// Low-level user data access. Use `userData` instead.
809 	protected void* rawUserData(WatcherID descriptor, size_t size, DataInitializer initialize, DataInitializer destroy) @system;
810 }
812 interface EventDriverProcesses {
813 @safe: /*@nogc:*/ nothrow:
814 	/** Adopt an existing process.
815 	*/
816 	ProcessID adopt(int system_pid);
818 	/** Spawn a child process.
820 		Note that if a default signal handler exists for the signal, it will be
821 		disabled by using this function.
823 		Params:
824 			args = The program arguments. First one must be an executable.
825 			stdin = What should be done for stdin. Allows inheritance, piping,
826 				nothing or any specific fd. If this results in a Pipe,
827 				the PipeFD will be set in the stdin result.
828 			stdout = See stdin, but also allows redirecting to stderr.
829 			stderr = See stdin, but also allows redirecting to stdout.
830 			env = The environment variables to spawn the process with.
831 			config = Special process configurations.
832 			working_dir = What to set the working dir in the process.
834 		Returns:
835 			Returns a Process struct containing the ProcessID and whatever
836 			pipes have been adopted for stdin, stdout and stderr.
837 	*/
838 	Process spawn(string[] args, ProcessStdinFile stdin, ProcessStdoutFile stdout, ProcessStderrFile stderr, const string[string] env = null, ProcessConfig config = ProcessConfig.none, string working_dir = null);
840 	/** Returns whether the process has exited yet.
841 	*/
842 	bool hasExited(ProcessID pid);
844 	/** Kill the process using the given signal. Has different effects on different platforms.
845 	*/
846 	void kill(ProcessID pid, int signal);
848 	/** Wait for the process to exit.
850 		Returns an identifier that can be used to cancel the wait.
851 	*/
852 	size_t wait(ProcessID pid, ProcessWaitCallback on_process_exit);
854 	/** Cancel a wait for the given identifier returned by wait.
855 	*/
856 	void cancelWait(ProcessID pid, size_t waitId);
858 	/** Determines whether the given process handle is valid.
860 		A handle that is invalid will result in no operations being carried out
861 		when used. In particular `addRef`/`releaseRef` will have no effect, but
862 		can safely be called.
864 		A valid handle gets invalid when the reference count drops to zero.
865 	*/
866 	bool isValid(ProcessID handle) const @nogc;
868 	/** Increments the reference count of the given resource.
869 	*/
870 	void addRef(ProcessID pid);
872 	/** Decrements the reference count of the given resource.
874 		Once the reference count reaches zero, all associated resources will be
875 		freed and the resource descriptor gets invalidated. This will not kill
876 		the sub-process, nor "detach" it.
878 		Returns:
879 			Returns `false` $(I iff) the last reference was removed by this call.
881 			Passing an invalid handle will result in a return value of `true`.
882 	*/
883 	bool releaseRef(ProcessID pid);
885 	/** Retrieves a reference to a user-defined value associated with a descriptor.
886 	*/
887 	@property final ref T userData(T)(ProcessID descriptor)
888 	@trusted {
889 		import std.conv : emplace;
890 		static void init(void* ptr) @nogc { emplace(cast(T*)ptr); }
891 		static void destr(void* ptr) @nogc { destroy(*cast(T*)ptr); }
892 		return *cast(T*)rawUserData(descriptor, T.sizeof, &init, &destr);
893 	}
895 	/// Low-level user data access. Use `userData` instead.
896 	protected void* rawUserData(ProcessID descriptor, size_t size, DataInitializer initialize, DataInitializer destroy) @system;
897 }
899 interface EventDriverPipes {
900 @safe: /*@nogc:*/ nothrow:
901 	/** Adopt an existing pipe. This will modify the pipe to be non-blocking.
903 		Note that pipes generally only allow either reads or writes but not
904 		both, it is up to you to only call valid functions.
905 	*/
906 	PipeFD adopt(int system_pipe_handle);
908 	/** Reads data from a stream socket.
910 		Note that only a single read operation is allowed at once. The caller
911 		needs to make sure that either `on_read_finish` got called, or
912 		`cancelRead` was called before issuing the next call to `read`.
913 	*/
914 	void read(PipeFD pipe, ubyte[] buffer, IOMode mode, PipeIOCallback on_read_finish);
916 	/** Cancels an ongoing read operation.
918 		After this function has been called, the `PipeIOCallback` specified in
919 		the call to `read` is guaranteed to not be called.
920 	*/
921 	void cancelRead(PipeFD pipe);
923 	/** Writes data from a stream socket.
925 		Note that only a single write operation is allowed at once. The caller
926 		needs to make sure that either `on_write_finish` got called, or
927 		`cancelWrite` was called before issuing the next call to `write`.
928 	*/
929 	void write(PipeFD pipe, const(ubyte)[] buffer, IOMode mode, PipeIOCallback on_write_finish);
931 	/** Cancels an ongoing write operation.
933 		After this function has been called, the `PipeIOCallback` specified in
934 		the call to `write` is guaranteed to not be called.
935 	*/
936 	void cancelWrite(PipeFD pipe);
938 	/** Waits for incoming data without actually reading it.
939 	*/
940 	void waitForData(PipeFD pipe, PipeIOCallback on_data_available);
942 	/** Immediately close the pipe. Future read or write operations may fail.
944 		Note that the file handle may become invalid at any point after the
945 		call to `close`, regardless of its current reference count. Any
946 		operations on the handle will not have an effect.
947 	*/
948 	void close(PipeFD file, PipeCloseCallback on_closed);
950 	/** Determines whether the given pipe handle is valid.
952 		A handle that is invalid will result in no operations being carried out
953 		when used. In particular `addRef`/`releaseRef` will have no effect, but
954 		can safely be called and I/O operations will result in
955 		`IOStatus.invalidHandle`.
957 		A valid handle gets invalid when either the reference count drops to
958 		zero, or the pipe is explicitly closed.
959 	*/
960 	bool isValid(PipeFD handle) const @nogc;
962 	/** Increments the reference count of the given resource.
963 	*/
964 	void addRef(PipeFD pid);
966 	/** Decrements the reference count of the given resource.
968 		Once the reference count reaches zero, all associated resources will be
969 		freed and the resource descriptor gets invalidated.
971 		Returns:
972 			Returns `false` $(I iff) the last reference was removed by this call.
974 			Passing an invalid handle will result in a return value of `true`.
975 	*/
976 	bool releaseRef(PipeFD pid);
978 	/** Retrieves a reference to a user-defined value associated with a descriptor.
979 	*/
980 	@property final ref T userData(T)(PipeFD descriptor)
981 	@trusted {
982 		import std.conv : emplace;
983 		static void init(void* ptr) @nogc { emplace(cast(T*)ptr); }
984 		static void destr(void* ptr) @nogc { destroy(*cast(T*)ptr); }
985 		return *cast(T*)rawUserData(descriptor, T.sizeof, &init, &destr);
986 	}
988 	/// Low-level user data access. Use `userData` instead.
989 	protected void* rawUserData(PipeFD descriptor, size_t size, DataInitializer initialize, DataInitializer destroy) @system;
991 }
993 // Helper class to enable fully stack allocated `std.socket.Address` instances.
994 final class RefAddress : Address {
995 	version (Posix) import 	core.sys.posix.sys.socket : sockaddr, socklen_t;
996 	version (Windows) import core.sys.windows.winsock2 : sockaddr, socklen_t;
998 	private {
999 		sockaddr* m_addr;
1000 		socklen_t m_addrLen;
1001 	}
1003 	this() @safe nothrow {}
1004 	this(sockaddr* addr, socklen_t addr_len) @safe nothrow { set(addr, addr_len); }
1006 	override @property sockaddr* name() scope { return m_addr; }
1007 	override @property const(sockaddr)* name() const scope { return m_addr; }
1008 	override @property socklen_t nameLen() const scope { return m_addrLen; }
1010 	void set(sockaddr* addr, socklen_t addr_len) @safe nothrow { m_addr = addr; m_addrLen = addr_len; }
1012 	void cap(socklen_t new_len)
1013 	scope @safe nothrow {
1014 		assert(new_len <= m_addrLen, "Cannot grow size of a RefAddress.");
1015 		m_addrLen = new_len;
1016 	}
1017 }
1019 @safe: /*@nogc:*/ nothrow:
1021 alias ConnectCallback = void delegate(StreamSocketFD, ConnectStatus);
1022 alias AcceptCallback = void delegate(StreamListenSocketFD, StreamSocketFD, scope RefAddress remote_address);
1023 alias IOCallback = void delegate(StreamSocketFD, IOStatus, size_t);
1024 alias DatagramIOCallback = void delegate(DatagramSocketFD, IOStatus, size_t, scope RefAddress);
1025 alias DNSLookupCallback = void delegate(DNSLookupID, DNSStatus, scope RefAddress[]);
1026 alias FileIOCallback = void delegate(FileFD, IOStatus, size_t);
1027 alias FileCloseCallback = void delegate(FileFD, CloseStatus);
1028 alias PipeIOCallback = void delegate(PipeFD, IOStatus, size_t);
1029 alias PipeCloseCallback = void delegate(PipeFD, CloseStatus);
1030 alias EventCallback = void delegate(EventID);
1031 alias SignalCallback = void delegate(SignalListenID, SignalStatus, int);
1032 alias TimerCallback = void delegate(TimerID);
1033 alias TimerCallback2 = void delegate(TimerID, bool fired);
1034 alias FileChangesCallback = void delegate(WatcherID, ref const FileChange change);
1036 alias ProcessWaitCallback = void delegate(ProcessID, int);
1037 @system alias DataInitializer = void function(void*) @nogc;
1039 enum ProcessRedirect { inherit, pipe, none }
1040 alias ProcessStdinFile = Algebraic!(int, ProcessRedirect);
1041 enum ProcessStdoutRedirect { toStderr }
1042 alias ProcessStdoutFile = Algebraic!(int, ProcessRedirect, ProcessStdoutRedirect);
1043 enum ProcessStderrRedirect { toStdout }
1044 alias ProcessStderrFile = Algebraic!(int, ProcessRedirect, ProcessStderrRedirect);
1046 enum ExitReason {
1047 	timeout,
1048 	idle,
1049 	outOfWaiters,
1050 	exited
1051 }
1053 enum CloseStatus {
1054 	ok,
1055 	ioError,
1056 	invalidHandle,
1057 }
1059 enum ConnectStatus {
1060 	connected,
1061 	refused,
1062 	timeout,
1063 	bindFailure,
1064 	socketCreateFailure,
1065 	unknownError
1066 }
1068 enum ConnectionState {
1069 	initialized,
1070 	connecting,
1071 	connected,
1072 	passiveClose,
1073 	activeClose,
1074 	closed
1075 }
1077 enum StreamListenOptions {
1078 	none = 0,
1079 	/// Applies the `SO_REUSEPORT` flag
1080 	reusePort = 1<<0,
1081 	/// Avoids applying the `SO_REUSEADDR` flag
1082 	reuseAddress = 1<<1,
1083 	///
1084 	defaults = reuseAddress,
1085 }
1087 enum StreamSocketOption {
1088 	noDelay,
1089 	keepAlive
1090 }
1092 enum DatagramCreateOptions {
1093 	none = 0,
1094 	/// Applies the `SO_REUSEPORT` flag
1095 	reusePort = 1<<0,
1096 	/// Avoids applying the `SO_REUSEADDR` flag
1097 	reuseAddress = 1<<1,
1098 }
1100 enum DatagramSocketOption {
1101 	broadcast,
1102 	multicastLoopback
1103 }
1105 /**
1106 	Specifies how a file is manipulated on disk.
1107 */
1108 enum FileOpenMode {
1109 	/// The file is opened read-only.
1110 	read,
1111 	/// The file is opened for read-write random access.
1112 	readWrite,
1113 	/// The file is truncated if it exists or created otherwise and then opened for read-write access.
1114 	createTrunc,
1115 	/// The file is opened for appending data to it and created if it does not exist.
1116 	append
1117 }
1119 enum IOMode {
1120 	immediate, /// Process only as much as possible without waiting
1121 	once,      /// Process as much as possible with a single call
1122 	all        /// Process the full buffer
1123 }
1125 enum IOStatus {
1126 	ok,           /// The data has been transferred normally
1127 	disconnected, /// The connection was closed before all data could be transterred
1128 	error,        /// An error occured while transferring the data
1129 	wouldBlock,    /// Returned for `IOMode.immediate` when no data is readily readable/writable
1130 	invalidHandle, /// The passed handle is not valid
1131 }
1133 enum DNSStatus {
1134 	ok,
1135 	error
1136 }
1138 /** Specifies the kind of change in a watched directory.
1139 */
1140 enum FileChangeKind {
1141 	/// A file or directory was added
1142 	added,
1143 	/// A file or directory was deleted
1144 	removed,
1145 	/// A file or directory was modified
1146 	modified
1147 }
1149 enum SignalStatus {
1150 	ok,
1151 	error
1152 }
1154 /// See std.process.Config
1155 enum ProcessConfig {
1156 	none = StdProcessConfig.none,
1157 	detached = StdProcessConfig.detached,
1158 	newEnv = StdProcessConfig.newEnv,
1159 	suppressConsole = StdProcessConfig.suppressConsole,
1160 }
1162 /** Describes a single change in a watched directory.
1163 */
1164 struct FileChange {
1165 	/// The type of change
1166 	FileChangeKind kind;
1168 	/// The root directory of the watcher
1169 	string baseDirectory;
1171 	/// Subdirectory containing the changed file
1172 	string directory;
1174 	/// Name of the changed file
1175 	const(char)[] name;
1176 }
1178 /** Describes a spawned process
1179 */
1180 struct Process {
1181 	ProcessID pid;
1183 	// TODO: Convert these to PipeFD once dmd is fixed
1184 	PipeFD stdin;
1185 	PipeFD stdout;
1186 	PipeFD stderr;
1187 }
1189 mixin template Handle(string NAME, T, T invalid_value = T.init) {
1190 	alias name = NAME;
1192 	enum invalid = typeof(this).init;
1194 	nothrow @nogc @safe:
1196 	T value = invalid_value;
1198 	static if (is(T.BaseType)) {
1199 		alias BaseType = T.BaseType;
1201 		this(BaseType value, uint validation_counter)
1202 		{
1203 			this.value = T(value, validation_counter);
1204 		}
1205 	} else {
1206 		alias BaseType = T;
1208 		uint validationCounter;
1210 		this(BaseType value, uint validation_counter)
1211 		{
1212 			this.value = value;
1213 			this.validationCounter = validation_counter;
1214 		}
1215 	}
1217 	U opCast(U)() const
1218 		if (is(U.BaseType) && is(typeof(U.value)))
1219 	{
1220 		// TODO: verify that U derives from typeof(this)!
1221 		return U(cast(U.BaseType)value, validationCounter);
1222 	}
1224 	U opCast(U)() const
1225 		if (is(typeof(U(BaseType.init))))
1226 	{
1227 		return cast(U)value;
1228 	}
1230 	alias value this;
1231 }
1233 alias ThreadCallbackGenParams = ubyte[8 * intptr_t.sizeof];
1234 alias ThreadCallbackGen = void function(ref ThreadCallbackGenParams param3) @safe nothrow;
1235 deprecated alias ThreadCallback = void function(intptr_t param1) @safe nothrow;
1237 struct FD { mixin Handle!("fd", size_t, size_t.max); }
1238 struct SocketFD { mixin Handle!("socket", FD); }
1239 struct StreamSocketFD { mixin Handle!("streamSocket", SocketFD); }
1240 struct StreamListenSocketFD { mixin Handle!("streamListen", SocketFD); }
1241 struct DatagramSocketFD { mixin Handle!("datagramSocket", SocketFD); }
1242 struct FileFD { mixin Handle!("file", FD); }
1243 // FD.init is required here due to https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=19585
1244 struct PipeFD { mixin Handle!("pipe", FD, FD.init); }
1245 struct EventID { mixin Handle!("event", FD); }
1246 struct TimerID { mixin Handle!("timer", size_t, size_t.max); }
1247 struct WatcherID { mixin Handle!("watcher", size_t, size_t.max); }
1248 struct EventWaitID { mixin Handle!("eventWait", size_t, size_t.max); }
1249 struct SignalListenID { mixin Handle!("signal", size_t, size_t.max); }
1250 struct DNSLookupID { mixin Handle!("dns", size_t, size_t.max); }
1251 struct ProcessID { mixin Handle!("process", size_t, size_t.max); }